
Good Jobs at Ultium Cells in Warren, Ohio

What We Do

Atlas Public Policy equips businesses and policymakers to make strategic, informed decisions that serve the public interest.

Atlas builds analytical tools and dashboards using powerful, accessible technology, and offers expert advisory services to tackle the pressing issues of the day.

Our key work areas currently include transportation and building electrification, climate policy, and disinformation tracking.


We use a data-driven approach to create valuable products that arm policy professionals with decision-relevant information.

Our Products

We build dashboards, analytical tools, and websites for use by the policy community.

Strategic Advising

Atlas delivers valuable insights based on expert knowledge of our key work areas, and supports planning and engagement efforts for customers across the policy and business landscape.

EV Hub

A one-stop shop for businesses, policy professionals, and the advocacy community to learn more about what’s going on in the electric vehicle market.

“EV Hub is the one stop data shop for the EV policy wonk.” 

Max Baumhefner

Natural Resources Defense Council

Advancing Data-Driven Public Policy

Atlas provides data and builds analytical capacity at organizations trying to solve critical problems related to climate change and disinformation.

“Atlas has been an invaluable asset in our work to track and expose online information operations over the past four years. Their ability to integrate diverse data streams, manage our increasingly complex backend, and create compelling, customizable dashboards has elevated our public profile and helped to raise awareness about the threats we track. We view them less as a service provider than a true partner, and their dedication to our work has been evident in every project they’ve completed for us.”

Bret Schafer

Alliance for Securing Democracy

Empowering the Public Policy Community