The Hamilton 2.0 dashboard, a project of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, provides a summary analysis of the narratives and topics promoted by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian government officials and state-funded media on Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, state-sponsored news websites, and via official diplomatic statements at the United Nations. The purpose of the dashboard is to increase our understanding of the focus and spread of state-backed government messaging across various information mediums. The data provided here is intended to be a starting point for in-depth analysis; in short, this dashboard provides the questions, not the answers.

Atlas created the Hamilton 2.0 dashboard and manages the collection of the underlying data. Working with our data partner,, Atlas assembles data into a single relational database that helps power sophisticated analyses on disinformation.

This product was first launched in 2019 and is updated with new data multiple times a day.

Published On: November, 2023 / Categories: Other Tools & Dashboards / Tags: /

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